Healthy Under 5s

Portreath Pre School are committed to ensuring we are promoting and supporting children and their families to lead and maintain healthy lifestyles. We are part of the Healthy Under 5s programme, a Cornwall Council initiative which promotes the topics of:  Dental Health, Healthy Eating, Physical Activity, Emotional Health and Wellbeing, Accident Prevention,  and additional topics.

Please click on the link below for more information about the programme   (under ‘Our Projects’).

Snacks and lunches

We provide a snack in the morning and a snack in the afternoon for your child. We ask that your child brings in a packed lunch if they are staying for lunch. Our snacks menu aims to offer your child  a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, plus carbohydrates, proteins and dairy to form healthy, balanced snacks. We provide milk or water as drink options. At your home visit we will provide you with information and ideas about what to put in your child’s packed lunch to ensure it is a healthy, balanced one.

Snack and lunch times are great opportunities to develop many different skills and behaviours for your child and we value the importance of these routines hugely.

3-week menu Summer 19

Baking Buddies

During each half term your child will take part in a ‘Baking Buddies’  session, where they and a small group of children bake goodies for the rest of the pre-school crew. The goodies baked are always nutritious, healthy recipes and contain very little or no sugar.  We know how much young children love to help with cooking and the aim of ‘Baking Buddies’ is to provide them with this experience plus develop their confidence and self esteem by baking for others. We all appreciate the effort the Baking Buddies put into creating  our yummy treats!

Here are a selection of some of the recipes our Baking Buddies have been whipping up!

sugar free muffin recipes



There are new food allergens regulations for childcare providers implemented by the government.

The EU law has listed 14 allergens (see link on the left) that need to be identified if they are present in food or used as ingredients in a dish.  This new regulation introduces a requirement for all food businesses, including childcare providers, to give information about the allergenic ingredients used in any food they serve

Sometimes these ingredients are included in our snack menu, it is important for us to know if your child is allergic to any of these (or other) foods.